Reviews Suck.
Try a better way.
You’ve probably had bad performance reviews
Not that you’ve had bad performance (you seem great) but that you experienced the results of a bad performance program. Common symptoms include conversations that leave you uninspired or processes that require way too much effort for way too little recognition.
Look, I get why bad performance programs exist. I too was once an over worked and under resourced HR team-of-one tasked with launching performance reviews when I had way too much to do. So I ended up leaning on stale processes and familiar approaches. It worked well enough, the business got valuable data and insights while the team got time and space to think about their career development… but they still sucked. So I spent most of my career building better programs that were easier to navigate and more valuable to managers, individuals and the business.
So here it is -
Reviews Suck: A Start-Up’s* Guide to Better Performance Programs
*Or anyone who wants better review conversations
A $100 playbook to help even the scrappiest of teams have a better performance program. This playbook will guide you through building a human centered review process, a better performance program and includes a ready to go program, a whole section about data, and ways to evaluate and iterate your program.